- Don Riso
Services Offered
Organization Applications
We look forward to offering your team, your staff or your organization another tool for leadership effectiveness development. We like to begin training with a half-day ( 3.5 hours) workshop that introduces the Enneagram and helps people correctly identify their
Personal Coaching
The field of coaching has grown from setting goals and providing accountability to increasing capacity for individual development and awareness. The ability to “catch oneself in the act” of letting personalities run the show is extremely valuable in allowing a
Relationship Counseling
Typically people are attracted to a partner whose Enneagram Personality is different from their own. This way each partner brings qualities that complement and strengthen the other person. However, it may also mean that one partner’s emotional needs are completely
Spiritual Companion/Director
Spiritual Direction is also known as spiritual companioning, spiritual guidance, anam cara in Gaelic, and mashpiah in Hebrew. Spiritual Direction is about accompanying people on their spiritual journey in confidential one on one sessions in which the participant learns to
Certification Program
The EIOH Applied Professional Certification Training Program is online and involves three-weekend workshops, two essays, and one interview for a total of 53 IEA (International Enneagram Association) credit hours. The prerequisite is the Wisdom of the Enneagram AWTP workshop or
Workshops / Events
- Introduction to the Enneagram, Virtual Half-Day Workshop: January 11, 2025, - INSTRUCTORS: Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche TIME: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm ET. Live, No Recordings This is an opportunity… . . . learn more about this event
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram Workshop: February 1-2, 2025 VIRTUAL - These events are live and not recorded. Instructors Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche Note: This workshop has a limited number… . . . learn more about this event
- The Enneagram and Relationships Workshop: March 8-9, 2025 VIRTUAL - INSTRUCTORS: Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche Note: This workshop has a limited number of participants to allow for an engaging… . . . learn more about this event
- The Three Instincts Workshop: April 5-6, 2025 VIRTUAL - INSTRUCTORS: Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche This virtual workshop has a limited number of participants to allow for an engaging… . . . learn more about this event
- The Journey of Growth Workshop: November 8-9, 2025 Virtual - The Journey of Growth (Levels) Advanced Workshop Instructors: Lisa Bueche and Connie Frecker Please note that this workshop has limited… . . . learn more about this event
Learn More
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a dynamic map of human personality that reveals how we organize experience and find meaning in our lives. It describes nine distinct patterns of attitude and behavior and reveals many of the reasons why…
How do I figure out my Enneagram Personality type?
Discovering our personality type is an illuminating experience and a major step towards liberating ourselves from our habitual patterns of behavior. One method for discovering your type is…
About the Enneagram Institute of Ohio and its members.
The Enneagram Institute of Ohio offers seminars, master classes, consultation, spiritual direction, retreats, and personal coaching services to help people use the Enneagram for personal and professional…
Recent Blog Post
- Know My Type, Now what? - Once you have discovered your true Enneagram personality type, it is very tempting to use it as a tool for self-improvement, and for some of us, even more tempting to want to use it to improve others. Please don’t do that. While Don Riso’s Levels of Development were a huge… . . . read more